

“南京雨花台区150元的小巷子” 西班牙汉学者达奇著新书:探寻东西方经典相遇之路


  中新网长春5月19日电 (李丹)新书《地角天际——工具方经典相遇之路》19日在长春发布。该书经由过程“路”的主题,摸索了工具方文化的交汇与融会,揭示了两种古老文明以一种奇奥的体例在“路”上相逢彼此,一路同业。 西班牙汉学者达奇在长春举行新书发布会,与读者分享工具文化共通的地方。李丹 摄   该书由西班牙汉学者达奇和其合作火伴、西班牙卡米亚斯年夜学研究员张珂合著。现就职于吉林年夜学外国语学院的达奇已在华糊口五年,一向致力于工具方文化交换的研究。   达奇介绍,在欧亚年夜陆的最西端有一条“圣地亚哥朝圣之路”,1993年被结合国教科文组织列为世界文化遗产;在欧亚年夜陆的最东端,人们对“路”的贯通则有着东方哲学色采。在书中,他将中国的文化精炼“道”与西班牙的“朝圣路”文化相连系,构成了寄意深远的“道路”主题,意味着两国人平易近在文化交换中文明互鉴,年夜道同业。   在书中,达奇奇妙地将中国的《易经》、道家和儒家经典、古典诗歌等文化精炼,与西班牙的传统谚语和天人关系思惟相融会。经由过程对照息争读,揭示了两种文化在思惟、哲学、艺术等方面的共通的地方。“中国经典语录‘千里之行,始于足下’‘三人行,必有我师’‘年夜道甚夷,而人好径’都在书中得以显现。读者也能够在赏识中国各地的风光中,贯通西班牙平易近间谚语的真理,好比西班牙谚语中‘老天帮忙夙起人’,对应了汉语注释‘天道酬勤’。”   达奇说,若何将复杂的中国文化聪明有用转达给非母语读者,是翻译中国文化经典时面对的挑战。“中国文化经典都是有布景的,它多是一段复杂的汗青故事,在此书的西班牙版本中我们增添了注释,力图让西方读者更好地舆解和感触感染中国文化的魅力。”   在达奇看来,虽然中国和西班牙地舆上相隔遥远,但“路”的主题让两国文化得以逾越时空的边界,彼此发现、彼此诠释。中国和西班牙的古籍中有良多话语已成为到处颂扬的名言警语,这是两国人平易近经验和聪明的结晶,也显示了全人类配合的价值不雅。   达奇暗示,《地角天际——工具方经典相遇之路》是他多年研究汉学和工具方文化交换的结晶,但愿经由过程该书可以或许让更多人领会工具方文化的魅力和共通的地方,配合鞭策人类文明的前进。“也但愿经由过程我的学术研究和实践履历,让世界读懂中国,领会一个真实的中国。”(完) 【编纂:李岩】。


Nanjing, the ancient capital of China, is known for its rich history and cultural heritage. Among its many districts, the Rain Flower Terrace District stands out for its unique blend of traditional and modern charm. Tucked away in this district is a hidden gem - a small alley that captures the essence of local life and offers a glimpse into the city's past. With just 150 yuan, one can embark on a journey through time and experience the magic of this humble alley.

Walking along the narrow alley, one is instantly transported back in time. The well-preserved traditional buildings, with their exquisite architecture and intricate details, tell tales of bygone eras. From the old wooden doors to the beautifully tiled roofs, every corner exudes a sense of nostalgia. The scent of incense fills the air as locals and visitors alike pay their respects at the nearby temple, adding to the spiritual ambiance of the alley.

Despite its modest appearance, the alley is a treasure trove of local craftsmanship. Small shops line the street, offering a variety of handmade goods. From delicate embroidery to hand-carved wooden crafts, there is something for every taste. It is a true paradise for those who appreciate traditional artistry and want to support local artisans.

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